Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I completely agree with you that we have a strong past…and I am, no doubt, proud of that past… As you yourself mention about the 7000 crores corruption in the CWG, it didn’t much present a good image of our country... And if my fellow mates are happy to see the opening ceremony which made us proud, they must go and look back the 2008 Beijing Olympics... It was far better in technology, infrastructure and presentation. And if I say my country has given me the past what has my present generation done to restore it.
You talk about India producing 656 MW of biomass power... How many rural places and even the urban parts like in UP (as I have myself experienced) are provided with this power supply…??? You count upon people like Jagdish Bose, etc. these people are rare and most of the country lags behind. We still have 70% of rural living in India while we have got metros like Delhi. Our 38% doctors, 12 % scientists and 38% NASA employees which you proudly boast of are serving the other nation and not the one they should be proud of. Isn’t it something called BRAIN DRAIN!!
I completely agree with Paridhi and Deepti Bagga, what have we done for our future generations to look upon us their past. As a popular saying:
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is a GIFT that’s why it’s called present… ”
So why should we look into the past and be proud of that, while ignoring the harm we have done to our past in the present and not improving enough for the future….

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