Monday, October 11, 2010


Today we have cases running for more than 20 years. Sometimes by the time the case comes to the court neither the accused nor the prosecutor is alive. Cases like Priyadarshini matto, Nitish katara, Jessica lall and Pratibha murthy are perfect examples how accused with strong political links can get away by influencing the judiciary. Is it not a mockery of the very democracy we so proudly talk about??
Agreed we have lot of women like Indra nooyi and Kalpana Chawla who have given a new meaning to women empowerment and proved that women are no less than men in any field, but can we forget the many Indra nooyis and kalpana chawlas who are killed before they are born?
We talk about great sportspersons like Sachin tendulkar , Abhinav bindra and Saina nehwal who have brought laurels to the country, but what about those hundreds of others who could have reached the same heights if all they could have been provided was a coach and a sports complex but were never given a chance??
We talk about unity in diversity and India being a secular country, but don’t these words sound pompous and pure hypocrisy when we witness events like Babri masjid demolition, Gujarat communal riots and politicians playing dirty divisive politics to milk such situations?
We talk of our great architectural heritage while at the same time we are the ones who keep defacing the monuments by beetel stains and ugly scratching. If this is not hypocrisy then what else is it??

The reason India is such a mess is this ‘chalta hai attitude of us Indians’. ‘Jugaad’ something we Indians are well trained in has become a hindrance to the nation’s development  rather than being a last resort to set things right and the commonwealth games are a perfect example of this.

Now should we be proud of being an Indian??

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